Rammer's Super Blunt tool is designed to deliver the maximum force of a hammer's impact energy directly into boulders. The Super Blunt is only designed to be used in boulder breaking applications, where it provides 1.5–3 times more wear life than a standard blunt tool.

Super blunt tool
Tunnelling with hydraulic hammers
Direct excavation or widening of tunnels with a hydraulic hammer.
Especially with Rammer Pro hammers inclusive Ramair and AGW system for management of dust and debris.
Primary breaking
Hammer fitted to an excavator working directly in a bench to breaks away rock which can then be removed by truck. This is most commonly used where blasting is not allowed.
Secondary breaking
When blasted rock is too big for the feeder or crusher, secondary breaking is needed to get the boulders down to size. The type of rock dictates the effectiveness of the process, with brittle rock giving the best performance.
Metallurgical industry
The metallurgical industries can be broadly divided into primary, secondary, and miscellaneous metal production operations.