The Wide Chisel Tool is designed to tackle concrete and reinforced concrete. Extra large width and additional cutting action.
Wide chisel tool
Boom mounted applications
Hammers for use on crushers to ensure unrestricted flow of process. Removal of boulders which are too large to fit into crusher or which block the grizzly.
Absolutely necessary to ensure safe working procedures.
Primary demolition
Demolition of standing buildings and structures.
Trenching is a form of primary breaking in which a narrow trench is excavated especially for laying pipes, cables or for installing drainage
Secondary demolition
Demolition of larger pieces on the ground (size reduction, separation and preliminary sorting tasks)
Re-using parts or material which has been extracted from existing buildings or structures.
Recyclng of products: Re-use of material or parts as such
Recycling of material: Re-use of material for other purposes
Scaling is removal of loose material from the tunnel roof and walls to prevent accidents by falling rocks.
Primary breaking
Hammer fitted to an excavator working directly in a bench to breaks away rock which can then be removed by truck. This is most commonly used where blasting is not allowed.