Performance Line

Rammer's Performance Line hammers are the perfect solution for your challenges when you value quality and reliability.

When developing the Performance Line, operator comfort was an important goal. The vibration and soundproof housing minimizes the noise level and effectively dampens vibrations.

Other innovative features such as quick tool change system, our automatic lubrication system Ramlube II and RD3 / SAM monitoring system, increase hammer performance and your company's profits. Ramlube II and optional RD3 / SAM are available for Performance Line Medium and Large Range models from the R16P upwards. 

The Rammer Performance Line of the Small series are your cost-optimized solution for every application.
The Rammer Performance Line of the Medium series hammers are your solid partner at a wide range of breaking duties.
The Rammer Performance Line Large Range hammers give you optimum productivity in every breaking application.